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Associate Madara Zeltiņa

Madara Zeltiņa
Juridiskie pakalpojumi


Madara Zeltiņa, Mag.iur., joined VILGERTS during 2021.

Madara advises clients on contentious and non-contentious insurance matters and assists the real estate & construction, as well as the litigation & arbitration teams.

Madara’s recent diversified experience also includes providing legal assistance to an Estonian insurance broker entering into the Latvian marketplace, on the issuance of secured bonds for a leading Latvian production company, SIA Banga Ltd., and on the acquisition of “Damme” shopping center (located in Riga) by Summus Capital group.

Prior to joining VILGERTS, Madara gained wide experience as a legal representative in the Sigulda municipality office. Madara was involved in ensuring the legality of the municipality's work and representation of its interests before the Latvian courts in both civil and administrative proceedings, as well as providing legal support for the implementation of the 2021 administrative-territorial reform.

Madara has also worked as an assistant to judge in the Regional Administrative Court, where her duties included preparing the case for consideration, as well as preparing draft court rulings and other court documents.


2021 / Associate, VILGERTS
2015 – 2021 / Associate, Sigulda municipality
2015 / Associate, Riga City Council Property Department
2014 – 2015 / Assistant to Judge, Regional Administrative Court


2016 / University of Latvia, Mag.iur.
2014 / University of Latvia, Bac.iur.

Juridiskie pakalpojumi


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    Juridiskie pakalpojumi


    • Insurance sales as additional income: brokers, agents, and other insurance distributors.

      May 16, 2023

      by Madara Zeltiņa, Associate

      According to the Latvian Law on Insurance and Reinsurance Distribution (hereinafter, “the Law”), insurance distribution is defined as: “the provision of recommendations, offering of insurance, preparation of necessary documents for the conclusion of an insurance contract, explanation of the ter...

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